A devastating event unfolded at the Swan Boat Club in Berlin Charter Township, Michigan, where a child’s birthday party turned tragic due to a suspected intoxicated driver. On Saturday afternoon, a vehicle operated by a 66-year-old woman careened into the building, halting 25 feet inside the venue where the celebration was taking place. Monroe County Sheriff Troy Goodnough provided details of the incident at a press conference held later that day, marking a somber moment for the community located about 30 miles south of Detroit on Lake Erie.

The collision resulted in the deaths of two siblings, a 5-year-old boy and his 8-year-old sister, who were at the party. They were pronounced dead at the scene, adding a heartbreaking note to the already chaotic situation. It remains unclear whether the birthday party was in honor of either child, as their names and further details have not been disclosed by the authorities at this time.

Response and Aftermath

Crash by Driver Under the Influence at Michigan Birthday Party Leaves Two Children Dead, Several Injured
Swan Boat Club in Berlin Charter Township, MI

The impact of the crash was severe, with approximately 13 other individuals sustaining injuries, nine of whom faced serious, life-threatening conditions. These victims, comprising both children and adults, were swiftly transported to medical facilities by ambulance and a University of Michigan medical helicopter. The response by first responders was described by Sheriff Goodnough as dealing with an “extremely chaotic” scene, filled with high emotional distress among the party attendees.

Further complicating the tragedy, the driver was arrested at the scene under suspicion of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, causing death. The investigation into the incident has extended to a nearby bar and grill, which the driver may have visited prior to the crash. Authorities have temporarily shut down this establishment to execute a search warrant, aiming to uncover more about the circumstances leading up to the tragic event. The Swan Boat Club announced on Facebook that it would remain closed through the weekend and asked the community to keep everyone involved in their thoughts and prayers.