Lucy Hsu, a dedicated second-grade teacher from San Jose, California, has recently joined a select group of global travelers who have visited every country in the world. Having traveled to 193 nations, Hsu represents a unique story of determination and passion for exploring diverse cultures. This significant achievement was highlighted by NBC Bay Area, marking her as one of the rare individuals to accomplish such a feat.

Throughout her travels, Hsu has embraced a journey that started from a modest upbringing as the daughter of Vietnamese refugees. Her initial foray into international travel began at the age of 23, shortly before pursuing her master’s degree. This initial trip through Europe sparked what would become a lifelong pursuit, culminating in her recent visit to Syria, the final country on her list.

Overcoming Challenges

Globe-Trotting Educator: California-based Teacher Achieves Significant and Rare Achievement of Travelling to Every Country
Lucy Hsu with a tribe in Papua New Guinea

Visiting every nation on Earth is no small task, especially for someone from a modest background. Hsu’s journey to Syria was particularly poignant, as she navigated the complexities of traveling to a country listed on the United States Department of State’s “Do Not Travel” list. Her experiences in Syria and other challenging destinations reflect a profound commitment to achieving her travel goals despite potential risks.

Hsu’s approach to travel is characterized by her desire to connect with local cultures and communities. Whether staying in hostels, utilizing HostelWorld for accommodations, or engaging in cultural exchanges through platforms like Workaway, her methods highlight a sustainable and immersive way to experience the world. Her travels are not just about checking countries off a list but about deep, meaningful interactions that foster understanding and appreciation.

Educational Impact and Future Endeavors

Beyond personal achievement, Lucy Hsu brings back invaluable lessons and experiences to her classroom in San Jose. Her travels provide her with unique insights that she shares with her students, enriching their understanding of the world. The stories of her adventures, like her time in Mongolia or her extended stay with a Kenyan family, serve to educate and inspire her students about the diversity and richness of global cultures.

Looking forward, Hsu has no plans to slow down. Despite having visited every recognized country, she is eager to explore new cities and regions within those countries and even considers unconventional journeys like traveling on a cargo ship. Her continuous quest for knowledge and adventure embodies the idea that the more one travels, the more one realizes there is yet to see.