Team India’s 17-year-old archer, Sheetal Devi, stunned the world at the 2024 Paris Paralympics by hitting a perfect bull’s-eye during the women’s individual compound open event. Devi, who is one of only four armless archers competing at the Paralympics—and the only woman—has since gone viral, with nearly 60 million views of her incredible shot.

Despite losing the round by a single point and missing the quarterfinals, Devi’s achievement has garnered widespread praise. Her journey to the Paralympics is remarkable; born with a rare congenital disorder called phocomelia, which results in underdeveloped limbs, Devi took up archery after being recognized for her athletic talent at a youth event organized by the Indian Army in 2021.

Devi, who also won bronze in the mixed compound archery event, continues to inspire with her calm demeanor and impressive skills. She credits her mentor, Matt Stutzman, an armless gold medalist, for pioneering the technique she uses and supporting her throughout her journey.

Born with an innate gift for athletics, Devi has quickly become a symbol of perseverance and excellence in the world of archery. As she continues to shine, her influence on the sport and those who follow her is undeniable.