A zebra named “Shug” has been safely recaptured after a nearly week-long escapade in the Cascade mountain foothills, east of Seattle. This unusual incident began when Shug, along with three other zebras, escaped from a trailer while being transported from Washington to Montana. The escape occurred near the community of Riverbend, approximately 30 miles from Seattle, when the trailer’s driver stopped to secure the vehicle’s contents. While three of the zebras were quickly corralled, Shug managed to elude capture, venturing into the surrounding woodlands and sparking considerable public interest and concern.

Local residents and officials from the Regional Animal Services of King County played a pivotal role in the recapture, which took place in the same area where the escape initially happened. The agency confirmed on its website that Shug appeared to be in good health despite her adventures. The incident drew significant attention, not just locally but also across social media, where images of Shug humorously edited into various Seattle locations circulated, highlighting the community’s fascination with her journey.

Community and Safety Concerns

The prolonged presence of a zebra in the community raised several logistical and safety concerns. Shug’s adventures took her near residential areas and even into regions known for wildlife activity, including recent cougar sightings. This prompted King County officials to temporarily close trail access along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail to avoid further startling the zebra and complicating the recapture efforts. The situation was closely monitored, with feeding zones established to coax Shug into a safe area for capture.

The owner of the zebras, Kristine Keltgen, explained that the escape was unintentional, occurring when she stopped to adjust a loose floor mat in the trailer, which led to the zebras’ unexpected release. The community’s response included help from various bystanders, including a rodeo clown and horse trainers, reflecting a broad and somewhat impromptu coalition of local expertise. Now secured, Shug is set to be transported to Montana, where she will join her companions at a petting zoo operated by Keltgen, ensuring a safe and controlled environment for her and the rest of the dazzle.